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Lima el próximo 16 de Abril para recibir un reconocimiento especial en el Congreso de la
Republica y para realizar varios conciertos con un repertorio de música tradicional y clásica.
A Conversation with Jaime Choclote, Friday November 8th at 8pm at the Home of the Hurtado Family 10916 NW 2nd Avenue Miami Shores, FL

521 Years Later the Native Music of the Americas Survives!
Kuyayky Children Orchestra Fellows and Special Guests present- Taki Onqoy! Premiering a repertoire of Andean and Latin American pieces arranged for classical performance. Don’t Miss it!


- The Kuyayky Foundation is proud to present acclaimed Peruvian trumpet player Fredy Fuertes and a very special performance by Serbian concert pianist Tatjana Surev, who together will introduce Fuertes’ new album “Wind Colors” on Friday May 10th. Join us in a performance where classical music will meet Andean traditions and sounds.

“The central Andes is one of only four places in the world where civilization emerged independently…The Wari ascended to power in the south-central highlands of Peru (AD600-AD1000)…the arts were crucial to their political, economic and religious systems…since the Wari did not write, the arts took on special roles in preserving and communicating information” -Susan E. Bergh, Curator of the Wari Pre-Inca Lords of Peru Exhibit
Friday March 8, 2013, 7 pm *Click here to reserve your seats.